“Have the courage to follow your heart and your intuition.”

Steve Jobs

How was the Exploring Program born?

The Exploring program was born after exhaustive research, among young people nearby, where we discovered that young people who leave high school base their choice of career, on what “attracts” them or what “they are good at” and, as a consequence, make hasty decisions and lose valuable time.

In fact, in 2015, Universia and Trabajando.com conducted a survey of more than five thousand people in ten Ibero-American countries.

This revealed that 42% of respondents admitted to having chosen their career badly and added that the consequences came into their lives, after exercising the first years of the career.

For that reason, we decided that once young Latinos discovered the internal tools they possessed, the next step would be to help them confirm how compatible they were with the profession they wanted to pursue in the future.

This is how the program was born:

Exploring, knowing my areas of work interest

What is the objective of the Exploring Program?

Connect young people with an entrepreneurial and leadership spirit, through work practices with successful entrepreneurs in the “community”, in professional areas that match their talents, and thus discover whether or not they are on the right track.

In fact, this will facilitate future decision-making and help them NOT waste their time and resources, studying a career for which they do NOT possess aptitudes.

What is the Exploring Program like?

For young people to start the program, they must have completed the Introductory Road Map Workshop, a practical training for tomorrow’s adult and the Lighthouse program, discovering my skills and talents.

  1. It begins with a direct interview with our founder María Antonieta Hernández, to determine, according to the work area of their interest, where they can carry out the work practices.

At this point you should know that our president and CEO, María Antonieta Hernández, is also the president and CEO of Community Networker, a  pioneer company among the Hispanic community, with more than thirteen years of experience, carrying out networking activities.

Her extensive experience has built a close relationship, with many successful Hispanic entrepreneurs with strong backgrounds, who are willing to collaborate with the program.

  1. Young people enter these companies to do internships, which will be selected according to the talents they possess.

In this way they will have their first direct contact with the professional world.

Believe it or not, living this experience will give them clarity and a precise vision of what their future work would be like, practicing in the career they want to study.

In fact, the best thing about this program is that it is aimed at all those young people between 16 and 25 years old, who are looking to start and integrate into the world of professional careers.

For high school students, these internships count toward the mandatory community hours they need to graduate.

Program Success Stories

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