“He who refuses to learn in his youth will be lost in the past and dead for the future.”


What is the introductory Road Map workshop?

It is a series of didactic programs with useful and applicable education, which young people must do before starting the Lighthouse program.

The objective of the introductory Road Map workshop is to help them acquire the skills and tools they need in their immediate future.

The truth is that in high school subjects are not taught, which helps young people to face adult life.

They do not have knowledge about specific topics, such as emotional intelligence, finances, leadership, among others, that are useful for the future.

What does the introductory Road Map workshop offer?

We offer the possibility of entering the other programs of the foundation. Young people between 16 and 21 years old will have at their disposal the following didactic resources:


  • Face-to-face and online meetings
  • Workshops of short and medium duration
  • Seminars
  • Conferences
  • Networking encounters
  • Webinars
  • Workshops

All of them focused on learning skills for real life, with topics such as:

Economics                      Leadership

Business                          Legal matters

Technology                     Migration

Marketing                       Education

Entrepreneurship       Social Innovation

High School can be a challenge for many young people, but for immigrant Latinos, it is even more so.

For that reason, we must guide and help those who have a leadership attitude, who are willing to assume the commitment and responsibility to develop their professional capabilities.

Once they pass this stage, young people who show the necessary attitudes, will move on to the “Lighthouse Program, discovering their gifts and talents”.

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