We Help Young Entrepreneurs
Discover Their Purpose


Help young people with entrepreneurial will and leadership spirit, to discover their purpose and innate abilities, so that they can focus their mind and create their future…

This is the inspiration that moves these entrepreneurs, to make a difference among the youth.

Who Are We?

We are a Business & Community Networker Foundation.

We are a movement of Latino entrepreneurs that was born as a non-profit organization in 2012, with the objective of providing support to young Hispanic residents in the United States, through scholarships.

Our current goal is to help young people willing to grow, those who have goals, who know how to set priorities, who are proactive, empathetic and understand that self-improvement is necessary for the development of their vision of life.

Why We Do What We Do?

  • We believe in the potential of youth, in their energy and in the inner strength that motivates them.
  • Today more than ever, it is important to provide young people with useful and effective education.
  • We want them to create connections, from experience and work practice, with the real business world.
  • We want them to become a generation of adults, whose professional careers are aligned with their talents and gifts…

  • Therein lies professional success!

    Who are Our Allies?

    How We Do it?

    We currently manage an introductory workshop and three programs, each consecutively.

     Discover more of them below:

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